Hi Mathias, Hi Jurgen

First thanks for you responses and please apologize for the silence. I was at "solution Linux", at Paris, a great free software event.
Hey guys, people know OOo, the now want to know its api ;)

The data itself isn't an implementation detail because, as Laurent
pointed out, it is part of the file format. Only the *representation* of
the data as a string is such a detail.

Thanks Mathias. This is exactly the point
the purpose of this thread is about ActiveCell
Yes we can use the currentSlection api, but it does not cover all the cases that one can encounter in vba

eg. Selecting a range, or multiple selection, you still have an activeCell pointing on the last selected cell For the frozen or splitted pans, are the delimtation (coordinates in row columns) available

I think Paolo may have more examples like this

So IMHO it is not a bad idea to think about a better readable
representation (like Sequence < PropertyValue > e.g.) in case there is
no other API and define this as an "official" API.

Yes, i may miss some api and please forgive me if this information already exists

If, not, it may be interresting to collect all the info hidden in the file in some collections, such as activeCell but also some "SheetLayout" collection/Sequeznce inside viewData. I think a PropertyValue sequence could be very interresting, Yes
Some more method manipulating the frozen pans may also be insterresting

Thanks again for all your valuable answers


Laurent Godard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Ingénierie OpenOffice.org
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Livre "Programmation OpenOffice.org", Eyrolles 2004

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