Hi Carsten

>> at the moment I try to disable a command, but transient. I found an
>> example in the Dev-Guide. In this example I find two methods - one for
>> disabling the commands and the other for enabling them again.
>> I would like to make the disabling transient. Up to now I learned from
>> Carsten, that I have to change a PropertyValue:
>> xPropertySet.setPropertyValue("Persistent", new Boolean(false));
>> I tried to apply it to several Objects, but it does not work out.
>> Can you tell me wether it is possible to make these changes transient?
>> The code is below.

> This is not possible. The user interface configuration is not related to
> the normal Office configuration. The special "transient" property is a
> special feature of the user interface configuration API. Another problem
> is that the disable command feature always works globally, means that
> all application modules are affected. If you want to disable a command
> only transient, you can use a dispatch interceptor. See the Developer's
> Guide for more information.

thanks for the hint. Since some days I read and try these chapters. If I
understand right, to make such changes "transient" I have to disble the
menu items, toolbar icons and shortcut keys transient concerning this
special commandurl. And I have to hope that a user does not add a new
menu item at runtime. I will create such an application and post the
link to this list. It will take some weeks.

If I understand right, that means also, that I cannot add a new
commandurl as transient commandurl. For this I have to use the dispatch

Thanks for all your great help and patience with my simple questions. I
really appreciate the great help of this maillinglist!

Greetings, Tobias

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