
Where can I get access to the plugin. I just wanted to give it a try and
take a look at the code but I only found:


Is there a cvs/svn repository available?
Is there an english HP available?


Cedric Bosdonnat wrote:
> Hi all,
> I commited yesterday evening some huge changes for the Eclipse plugin.
> Here are the most important changes:
> 1. the Java specific code has been separated from the UNO-IDL code. This
> makes two plugins: a core defining an extension point (language) and a
> language plugin. This has been done in order to allow easy development
> for new languages supports (1 plugin for 1 language)
> 2. the internal uno-idl reprensenting model has disapeared. It has been
> simplified using the composite pattern in order to have a very simple to
> understand model. This one only generates the idl files for the moment,
> but there are plans to add support for an outline view.
> 3. the howto I submitted to the contest last month has been integrated
> in the user documentation of the plugin.
> 4. a build eclipse project has been created in order to generate the
> update site from all the other plugins.
> To make it short: there are no significant changes for the users, but
> for developers. The plugin code should be easier to understand. It's
> perhaps still fuzzy, but I'll write some developer's documentation now
> to explain:
> + how to add a new language
> + how to i18n the plugin
> + how to understand the plugin code (perhaps moctar will do this one ?)
> I'm ready to answer questions if any ;)
> Cedric
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