Tom Schindl wrote:
Francis Jones wrote:
Peter Eberlein wrote:


Tom Schindl schrieb:


if you don't show us the error you are getting we are lost. But if need
a example of how one can convert documents this codesnippet does exactly
that. You simply have to code the loop fetching all documents in a given


There's a bug in 2.0.2 which prevents converting in hidden modus.
Change the load property to hidden=false and it will work.


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Hi Tom, Peter

Sorry to not have given an error message --- it's just that I had tried
quite a few different macros and they gave various different errors.  So
I thought it would just be confusing and so opted for the "does anyone
have something that works" approach.

By the way, in my debugging of this (which is done on a WinXP system
with OOO 2.0.2, as well as yesterday's snapshot) I noticed that the
function ConvertToURL is a bit weird.

If I give it a filename like "C:\tmp\test\1234.odt", then it produces as
a URL "file:///C:/tmp/test/1234.odt".

That's correct:
file:// ... the protocol part
/ ... root of your filesystem

Is that right?  There are 3 slashes after "file:"; I had thought it
should be "file://C:/tmp/test/1234.odt"

This would mean realtive from your actual position which might work on
win32 where you have drives but not on *NIX.

Hi Tom

This looks like a bug on the Windows version:

Input: "C:\tmp\test\1234.odt"
Output from ConvertToURL(): "file:///C:/tmp/test/1234.odt"

There are 3 fwd slashes before the drive specifier, but there should only be 2.

The above is what happens for me on WinXP using 2.0.2 or using most recent developer snapshot (from 2006.April.03)

Not sure where to take this from here.  Anybody else?

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