Kirk Israel wrote:

> Also, I noticed it doesn't seem to be closing the
> document it opens...I can't delete them after the program completes,
> the system (Windows XP) says they're in use.  I assume this is related
> to how an instance of OOo seems to be opening behind the scenes. In
> general I'm fine with that still running in the background, since it
> makes subsequent requests faster...but I will definately need to be
> able to clean up the pre-converted files... is there a way to close
> the document properly that will unlock it?  is there a seperate way of
> stopping the OOo instance, if I wanted to?

Call xThisComponent.close( True ) on the css.util.XCloseable interface
of the created document after you are done with it.

> Second,  not
> only has a list of Filters (is there a better place to get that list
> from?) it also suggests using "HTML (StarWriter)" in palce of
> "HTML"...that's what I had to do as well to convert a Word .doc. Is
> that the best practice?

OOo has three kinds of text documents: TextDocument, WebDocument,
MasterDocument. When you load a Word file a TextDocument will be created
so you have to use the HTML filter of the TextDocument for HTML export.
"HTML" is the filter of the WebDocument, so using this filter name for
exporting a TextDocument should produce an error, "HTML (StarWriter)" is
the correct name (the name is determined by history).

BTW: for the other way around (HTML->doc) you should specify "HTML
(StarWriter)" as *input* filter explicitly, otherwise OOo will create a
WebDocument by default and the WebDocument has much less export formats
than the TextDocument, especially it lacks a Word export filter.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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