Hi Mathias,

Alle 17:28, mercoledì 10 maggio 2006, Mathias Bauer ha scritto:
> Laurent Godard wrote:
> > i red rapidelly but is it possible to implement the reactors of objects
> > in Basic ?It seems to me that Paolo already asked something like this, no
> > ?
> >
> > a way could be a generic service taking the macro name as argument and
> > doing a transparent relay. Would it be difficult to do ? i do not think 
> > so
> We could provide a generic "DispatchObject" Service that implements the
> css.frame.XDispatch interface. This interface allows the UI element it
> is bound to to execute its bound command or query for the new interfaces
> created by Carsten for the new callbacks, so this generic object will
> also implement all these nice new interfaces just to forward to macros.
> For this purpose each of these callbacks ("dispatch()" being the
> simplest) will be transferred to a corresponding event and through an
> event binding interface the object allows to bind a macro to them.
> The tricky parts are that the macros need a defined signature for each
> of the callback macros and that we must be able to hand over different
> kinds of parameters to the macros. The first is only "not nice" (wrong
> macro bindings might lead to a crash), but for the second I'm not sure
> wether we can do this. We have to check this with Andreas Bregas.

I'm very glad to hear that the question is still opened and "under 

> You see: a lot of questions to answer. But not impossible. :-)
> Perhaps it would help if you ore Paolo could describe a possible use
> case where you would like to use the new toolbar control features in
> basic code.

Here are some ideas, perhaps not too smart, but are the first that come in my 

1) wikipedia bar / google bar /quicksearch bar:
Somethig very similar to the one in konqueror, or perhaps in firefox.

Very roughly: a toolbar with a textbox (or better a combobox, for the history)  
and a pushbutton that sends a query to internet (or search in the document) 
and put the results directly in the document or in a dialog or in the 
clipboard or whatever (depending on the search type)

(Laurent has already a nice and popular package for wikipedia search, so he 
could add something here)

2) vocabulary bar
Vocabulary is an old macro (for ooo 1.1.x) with a dialog where you can put a 
word and get its translation into another language.
I would like to add a "quick mode".
To enter in that mode you should have a toggle button in the toolbar

When the quick mode is active (in writer), opening the context menu you will 
read possible translations for the selected word (or for the word that 
contain the cursor, in case of empty selection)

3) mailmerge navigator bar

Last year I developed a "proof of concept" for this purpose (ooo1.1.x).
Not having complex controls I've used a dialog:


After a while I've abandoned the project because of dialog limitations, and 
because in ooo2.0 the mailmerge dialog has been greatly improved, but anyway, 
having this toolbar would be very handy, and ....I've been told that the 
other suite has it! :-)


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