Jo wrote:

> Hi Carsten,
> Many thanks for your answer. The next problem is that when logged on as 
> a different user the library containing the macros is not available. I 
> tried to also copy the basic code as follows:
> C:\Documents and Settings\My Username\Application 
> Data\OpenOffice.org2\user\basic\ETUC\*.* 
> to C:\Program Files\ 2.0\share\basic\ETUC\
> But the module is not recognized any more. When I try to do it properly, 
> then the Add... button becomes grey when I select Macros and Dialog 
> boxes of
> Can you help me out on this one too?

I'm not Carsten but I hope I can help too. :-)

Basic has an administration file for all of its libraries and just
copying libraries won't help without updating this file. Unfortunately
this file is part of each user profile so it needs manual operations in
all user installations. Not recommended. Deploying libraries for all
users admittedly is a little bit awkward in OOo.

The best way is to create a UNO package from the libs and install it
with unopkg --shared.

Creating packages will be supported by the BasicIDE in OOo2.0.3. The
created packages of course will work in any OOo2 version.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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  • Re: [... Jürgen Schmidt
    • ... Carsten Driesner - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg - Software Engineer
    • ... Jürgen Schmidt
    • ... Jürgen Schmidt
    • ... Mathias Bauer

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