I'm currently developping an application and use an unpublished API
because it saves me lots of work. What I was thinking  as a provisory
solution is to add the possibility for a developper to suscribe to the
unpublished API and get a warning message when there will be some work
done on it. So the developer came immediatly publish a new version of
his application.

Cedric Bosdonnat wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> Stephan Bergmann a écrit :
>> First, if you release some unpublished API that is badly needed by UNO
>> component/OOo extension writers to get their job done, chances are that
>> those writers will use your API in their components/extensions anyway.
> Something that could be possible is to add a warning in the code when
> the UNO component/OOo extension writer uses an unpublished type, as for
> deprecated types in most decents IDEs. I have no idea of how to do it
> now, but this should be possible and would prevent a lot of these
> errors. I'll think about this for the eclipse integration.
> Cedric
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