I'm trying to get hold of the GraphicProvider to store images of a Writer document. Whatever I'm doing I don't seem to be able to create the GraphicProvider with Java.
My approach, which doesn't work:

XGraphicProvider xGraphicProvider = (XGraphicProvider) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XGraphicProvider.class,

How can I create the GraphicProvider, there's not much documentation on that. On the other hand I've got an image in my writer document, which I get like this:

XTextGraphicObjectsSupplier xGraphicSupplier = (XTextGraphicObjectsSupplier) UnoRuntime

XNameAccess xNamedGraphics = xGraphicSupplier.getGraphicObjects();

XIndexAccess xIndexedGraphics = (XIndexAccess) UnoRuntime
     .queryInterface(XIndexAccess.class, xNamedGraphics);

Object oGraphic = xIndexedGraphics.getByIndex(0);

In the end I do need an XGraphic object to use the *storeGraphic*() method of the GraphicProvider. How can I get there from my object (which is an XTextContent)?


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