On Tue, 2006-10-10 at 19:06 +0200, Mathias Bauer wrote:
> G. Roderick Singleton wrote:
> > On Fri, 2006-10-06 at 17:22 -0400, G. Roderick Singleton wrote:
> >> I have been combing through sources, api webpages trying to find the
> >> command or set of commands that will allow one to synchronize the
> >> contents (frames) of a page(s) with the contents of the first one. I
> >> have a special form that is not in the list that the wizard has but
> >> would like to duplicate how it is done. I would prefer OOoBASIC
> >> references but take what is available. 
> >> 
> >> TIA
> > 
> > Perhaps my first question was too naive or too obscure to receive an
> > answer so I will try again.  
> > 
> > I am attempting to create a template that will be used in the manner of
> > one of the built-in labels. What I would like is to have my template
> > synchronize in the same manner as the label. I am hoping that this
> > feature is available programmatically but as I said in my first message,
> > I cannot find the commands in the sources or the on-line documentation.
> > 
> > So, assuming the synchronizing functions exist as I expect, can they be
> > used in OOoBASIC?
> Unfortunately the expert for these questions is not available ATM, so I
> will do my very best.
> IIRC a labels document is nothing else than a document containing a
> lot of frames where all frame content links to the content of the first
> frame. By changing the first frame and forcing an update of all links
> the frames get synchronized.
> The command triggering the synchronizing is available at least through
> the dispatch API so it can be called on every document that has a view,
> even a hidden one would suffice.
> Perhaps you can create a simple labels document, save it and look into
> the XML file to verify my assumptions. If they are true it should be
> possible to use the same mechanism for other "coupled" frames in an
> arbitrary document also.
> Best regards,
> Mathias

Way to go. This gives me something with which to work. My mistake was a
table. So let's see if frames et cetera work. No doubt more questions
will follow and I see now why my search of the sources came up empty.
G. Roderick Singleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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