Kent Gibson wrote:

> We render documents using the api.  For the most part
> everything is great but performance. 
> Are there any ways I can tweak a bit more peformance? 

Hard to give a specific answer for such a general question. :-)

> For example we do not use the database, calc or
> presenation components. Is there any way I can make
> sure these components are not slowing things down? 

If you don't use them they will not hurt you. It's code that is loaded
only on demand.

> If I built OpenOffice myself, is there anyway I could
> optimise the build?

In general I would say yes, but I don't know your requirements are.

> The documents we render are read only, is there any
> way I can make sure that things like UI event
> listeners aren't slowing things down, and if they are
> how can I avoid this penalty?

How do you render the documents? And how do you load them?
Can you point to specific API calls that seem to be slow?

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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