Le 16 oct. 06, à 12:47, Carsten Driesner a écrit :

You're right that the configuration data of a package is merged into the Office configuration. The user interface configuration data is processed by a different implementation and is not coupled with the Office configuration. Add-ons use an Office configuration file (Addons.xcu) to supported merging and installation/deinstallation. The Addons.xcu data is read by the user interface configuration implementation and merged into the OOo user interface. If a document window has read the Addons.xcu, it won't detect any changes as it doesn't listen to changes. If you use the user interface configuration API you get automatic update/refresh (just use the Tools-Customize dialog and change the menu or a toolbar).


Hi Carsten,

As remarked in my previous message, I have tried your suggestion to use XLayoutManager. destroyElement/createElement to force the menu bar to refresh itself, without success.

As it is true that OO does such a refresh when using the customize dialog, I keep hope that there must be a way...(maybe not feasible by the API). Is it reasonable that I take a look into OO's source files ? Do you know a starting point for me where such an example of a refresh of the menu bar is made ?

Thanks anyway for your previous answer,
Best regards,


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