Carsten Driesner a écrit :
Julien Galand wrote:
Hi Carsten,

I have spent several hours to boil down the phenomenon.
From my tests, I have concluded that this "display connection" of the shortcut with its menu line doesn't work when the menu line is in a submenu (i.e. not a line in a menu of the menu bar, but in a submenu of a menu).
When it is simply a menu line of a menu of the menu bar, it works.

It looks like a bug. I use OO 2.0.3.
Hi Julien,

If you are right then it would be a bug. It's a little bit strange as I can see keyboard shortcuts in sub menus using OOo 2.0.4.
Writer menu:
Table - Insert - Table...    Strg+F12
Tools - Update - Fields      F9
Insert - Fields - Other...   Strg+F2
The menu implementation uses the accelerator configuration to show shortcuts assigned to functions.

JScript shouldn't be a problem. I will check you example on Monday and may be I am able to shed light on this issue.

Hi Carsten,

I agree about this "strangeness", as I have also checked whether there were any submenu in OO with displayed key shortcuts.

Have you had some time to check my sample script ?
I hesitate about what to do (because I have to find a solution for my add-on that will be released soon). If it is a bug, then I give up all investigation. If it is not, then maybe I haven't found the right way to do it.

Another possibility for me is to check the OO's source files, to see how it does it. But I don't feel it's the easiest way for me (I have never dove into OO's source code) ! I will take a quick look tomorrow.


Julien Galand

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