Tobias Krais wrote:

> Hi together again,
> I have one more question. I would like to change the menus in a document
> in the background. Up to now I can change menus for loaded documents in
> the foreground. Here is the code:
> -----%<-----
> XPropertySet xps = (XPropertySet)
>               UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class,
>                 xDesktop.getCurrentFrame());
> XLayoutManager xLayoutManager = (XLayoutManager)
>                     UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XLayoutManager.class,
>                     xps.getPropertyValue("LayoutManager"));
> -----%<-----
> With this code (getCurrentFrame) I can only get the XLayoutManager of
> the foreground Window.
> Background info: I wrote a java application that opens a document.
> Shortly after loading the document I start changing the menus. It can
> happen that meanwhile an other OO Document comes in foreground and I
> change the menus of this foreground window.
> How can I get the XLayoutManager of the XComponent I am working on with
> my application?

Stefan gave the right answer.

I just wanted to add that relying on which window is in the foreground
is a bad idea in general. It's platform dependent (on Linux it even
depends on the particular window manager installed) and doesn't make
your application reliable. Stefan's suggestion will work always.

To express it in short terms: use "currentFrame" only if you are fine
with getting which frame whatsoever or even no frame at all when OOo is
still subject to focus changes caused by the WM.

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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