For everyone interested, the following basic macro works:

Sub Main
   Dim oDocIndexes as Object
   Dim oIndex as Object
   Dim iIndexCount as Integer

   REM get all document indexes
   oDocIndexes = thisComponent.getDocumentIndexes()

   REM counter
   iIndexCount = oDocIndexes.getCount()
REM refresh every index
   while (iIndexCount > 0)
     iIndexCount = iIndexCount - 1
End Sub


Harald Weyhing wrote:

Hi all,

In our application we generate documents via XSLT and template documents. In one case there is a table of contents that needs to get updated during loading the document. We try to achieve this with a basic macro in the document connected to the load event:

sub VerzeichnisAktualisieren
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem define variables
dim document   as object
dim dispatcher as object
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem get access to the document
document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("")

rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:UpdateAllIndexes", "", 0, Array())

This works perfectly when I use OOo as application loading a file, but does not work when loading a byte[] with OOoBean. Is this a bug or is ther another way to refresh the table of contents during load of a byte[]?

Thanks in advance


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