Hi Andreas,

> This should work (even it was not thought to work this way).
> And your protocol handler will be called (if I understand you right).
> So this indicates that matching of the real URL to the protocol
> supported by your handler still works fine.
> I have no idea, why the URL is not complete at the time you will be
> called. Did you checked the right property of the css.util.URL struct ?
> It seams that ".Judas:" is the protocol part of the URL. Did you
> looked on the "Complete" part of the URL ? Please check it.

Ah! Shame on me. There are other protocol parts :-). I always used
myURL.Protocol. That returned only ".Judas:". Asking for myURL.Complete
returned ".Judas:PrintTrays" and myURL.Path returns what I need:

Now I learned again a lot. Sorry for wasting your time. But Thanks for
your answer.

Greetings, Tobias

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