Andreas Schlüns schrieb:
Harald Weyhing schrieb:

The property "NoRestore" is unknwon and so not supported by loadComponentFromURL(). The only way to disable recovery is using
of the command line parameter "-norestore" on starting the office.

But that can be a problem for you. I do not know if the bean provide
a way to influence the start process of an used office instance ...

I use the following property:

System.setProperty("", "-norestore");

OK - you set the value "-norestore" on another place ..
But are you sure that the bean use this system property
realy within a command line starting the office ?
Yes, here is a code snipp from

sOption is the variable you are interested in.


try {
sOption = System.getProperty("");
               if (sOption != null)
                   nSizeCmdArray ++;
           } catch (java.lang.SecurityException e)
} // create call with arguments
           String[] cmdArray = new String[nSizeCmdArray];
cmdArray[0] = (new File(getProgramPath(), OFFICE_APP_NAME)).getPath();
           cmdArray[1] = "-nologo";
           cmdArray[2] = "-nodefault";
           if ( mConnType.equals( "pipe" ) )
cmdArray[3] = "-accept=pipe,name=" + getIdentifier() + ";" +
                         mProtocol + ";" + mInitialObject;
           else if ( mConnType.equals( "socket" ) )
               cmdArray[3] = "-accept=socket,port=" + mPort + ";urp";
throw new "not connection specified" ); if (sOption != null)
               cmdArray[4] = sOption;

           // start process
           mProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdArray);

The only way to disable AutoRecovery currently is "soffice.exe -norestore".


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