Hi Hal,

> I've found I *have* to have a print listener and watch for when the 
> document is done printing.
> Here's more detail on what's happening (sorry for things being 
> fragmented, but I'm under tremendous pressure to solve this).  This is 
> happening on a Windows XP system with 2 CPUs.  I was using Java 6 but 
> now I'm using Java 5 and that makes no difference.

Yes. There shouldn't be a difference. I can use both, too.

>  I have my own 
> Windows XP system but I cannot duplicate the problem on my computer.

Same OO version? Some printing issues relevant to me were solved up to
OO 2.1.

> This only happens when printing multiple files.  Sometimes it happens 
> after I print 2-3 files, sometimes it happens after 50 or more files.  
> There's no pattern to how many files it has to print before there's a 
> problem.  When I get a problem, I get the OOo "File Corrupt" window 
> saying there is a problem with a file and it will try to restore it the 
> next time OOo starts.  If I start OOo, I get an empty file in Writer, 
> as always, but I don't get any file to restore.  I suspect I'm getting 
> an error with the null file after closing or something like that.

See the code I sent you. It first checks whether the file exists. Then
opens it and prints it. It catches each error Java throughs and
continues if needed.

> I am NOT getting errors reported in Java from this.  If I click on 
> the "Okay" button on the error window, then my system keeps running but 
> isn't able to load a file.  At this point it's a bit confusing because 
> I have to go through old code I haven't read in a year.
> What can make OOo, while being run from Java, report a bad file and NOT 
> throw a Java error?
> Again, thanks for any insight on this!

I don't know right now. I'll send you an other private mail...

Greetings, Tobias

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