Darabos Dániel wrote:

> Hi!
> Is there some work going on currently on an undo API for extensions?

We started to design an API for this quite some time ago but never found
enough time to implement it.

> Since I did not find any trace of it, I think I will try to create
> this API myself.

Defining the API is comparably easy (and your "whish list" looks fine to
me). The hard part is the implementation ...

> I cannot tell if these are even possible -- this is why I am writing
> to this mailing list. Also please add any more wishes, maybe I will be
> able to "make them come true" :).

I hope I can find some traces of our former discussions about it.

> And since I am primarily developing extensions these days I see how
> much an undo API would be needed. Any extension right now has a high
> chance of messing up the undo stack.

Such API would be useful for Basic macros also! The posted issue numbers
relate to that.

> So far I have glimpsed at svtools/source/undo/undo.cxx. As little as
> exposing the methods of SfxUndoManager in this file would be useful (I
> see a Clear method, so an extension could at least clear the undo
> stack altogether instead of turning undo confusing and frustrating).

Yes, that could be a start, but maybe a different approach could be more
promising (please see below).

> This would take care of c). I think a) is doable as well -- just
> create some UndoAction that can contain other UndoActions (I see an
> unimplemented Merge method, maybe it is implemented someplace else or
> I could finish it).
> Can you tell if b) and d) are possible?

My idea for an Undo API and its implementation is the following: undo
steps are created by the internal changes of the document. They are
collected on the undo stack of the SfxUndoManager. The undo steps
visible to the user (the whole list through the "Undo" toolbar button,
the top entry in the "Edit" menu) are either one of these entries or a
group of entries. Such a group can be created by opening a "context" via
Undo API. A context is created by calling "startUndoContext" and
providing a (localized) string that can be displayed in the GUI to
represent the complete action. A following "closeUndoContext" will close
the last open context.

The "startUndoContext" and "endUndoContext" commands are marks on the
internal Undo stack (the stack the SfxUndoManager maintains), and the
GUI allows to jump between two marks, collecting several "internal"
steps into one.

If no undo context is open while an internal undo step is created,
"automatic" contexts will be created where each context comprises a
single internal undo step and its diplay title is the title of this
step. That would be the default behavior as now where no "external" Undo
API calls are done.

To me that sounds like what you wanted to achieve with your wish d). A
possible implementation of this API could be done on top of the
SfxUndoManager code. It might be easier and less risky to do it that way
as basically the Undo code that the document core uses remains
unchanged. It will be necessary to change the UI code that uses
SfxUndoManager to carry out Undo or Redo actions but I think this will
be necessary in all implementations.

I'm still wondering what the use case for wish b) might be. Do you think
you need to be able to hide an arbitrary action? Can you explain? Or can
you imagine yourself how that could fit into my "undo context" model?

In case you wanted to work on that feature by yourself we would be glad
to support you. There are some "formalities" we have to clarify before.
Do you know


and especially the part "How to submit code to OpenOffice.org"?

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
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