
Mathias Bauer wrote:

> The "startUndoContext" and "endUndoContext" commands are marks on the
> internal Undo stack (the stack the SfxUndoManager maintains), and the
> GUI allows to jump between two marks, collecting several "internal"
> steps into one.

Yes, I was thinking of a solution like this too (for "wish a)").

> To me that sounds like what you wanted to achieve with your wish d).

Not exactly. My wish d) would allow for the extension or macro writer
to provide a custom undo method. This would allow some custom code to
run when the user chooses to undo the action. For example if an
extension allows you to press a button to submit an article to a blog
(maybe you have seen something like this :)), the undo action for this
would revoke the article from the blog. There is no way,
OpenOffice.org could handle this, and so the ability to execute custom
undo actions is needed.

Of course it is possible to solve such issues by other means (such as
providing a "Retract article from blog" button), so this is not a high
priority wish. But it may have use cases where it would greatly
improve usability.

> I'm still wondering what the use case for wish b) might be. Do you think
> you need to be able to hide an arbitrary action? Can you explain? Or can
> you imagine yourself how that could fit into my "undo context" model?

Wish b) is for unimportant changes, "side effects" if you will.
Consider my previous example, where an extension listens to changes in
part A of the document and changes part B accordingly. If the
extension can avoid the change to part B appearing on the undo stack,
everything will work as expected: If the user presses Ctrl-Z, the
change to part A will be undone, and because the extension listens to
such changes, it can once again update part B.

Another use case could be when an extension is augmenting base
functionality. E.g. consider an extension that recognizes source code
when it is pasted (by intercepting .uno:Paste dispatches), and
performs syntax highlighting. If the user presses Ctrl-Z, they want to
undo the pasting, not the syntax highlighting. (Of course, this can
also be solved by using the undo grouping contexts, but it would be
simpler to just hide the highlighting altogether.)

> In case you wanted to work on that feature by yourself we would be glad
> to support you.

I will only be able to start working on it around the end of the
month. But I will be sure to ask on this mailing list if I get stuck
with something!

> There are some "formalities" we have to clarify before.
> Do you know
> http://contributing.openoffice.org/programming.html
> and especially the part "How to submit code to OpenOffice.org"?

Yes, we have already signed the JCA (and submitted a few patches).

Thank you for the advice and discussion!

Best regards,

Daniel Darabos

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