Tobias Krais wrote:
Hi together,

I try to create an OpenOffice Extension (.oxt file) which uses the
Spring framework. But I run in serious troubles. Adding the spring.jar
to my Eclipse project works fine and my testapplication runs smooth.

But after creating the OXT file, the problems beginn. I added the
spring.jar to my of the jar with the Protocol Handler. The
classes within the spring.jar are added successfully to the classpath.
But the spring.jar contains some .xsd files. These are not added to the
classpath and my Extension crashes with the failure message:
Configuration problem: Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML
schema namespace []
Offending resource: URL

I do not know why this happens. If the spring.jar is added to the
Eclipse project, the xsd files within the spring.jar are found
successfully, but not so in the Openoffice extension. Can someone tell
my why? Or how to solve it?

mmh, this strange and i assume that the mistake is in the spring jar. I don't know how they reference these xsd files.

I think you made it correct. You referenced the spring.jar in the manifest of your component jar with a relative path and you provide the spring.jar with your oxt package. That is the correct way to do that.


Greetings, Tobias

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