Oops, I was thinking you were Rony in this reply.

Yes, I totally agree CLASSPATH is evil and should be avoided. That's why I found how to solve this issue when it arose.

The point about making OpenOffice work like a normal Java program and respect CLASSPATH as an option is for people for whom dealing with the classpath within an OOo extension or as Java Optional Extensions doesn't work (as Rony reported).

And while a suitably capable Java programmer should be able to fix such conflicts, that is not always an option (among other things the code may come from elsewhere), and these problems usually wind up in the lap of the administrators (at least at first). That is why Rony is unhappy with the OOo "solution" of simply removing CLASSPATH support because it broke the carefully constructed scheme they had created that worked and left them with no viable workaround.


Jim White wrote:

Tobias Krais wrote:

How about a "Include CLASSPATH Environment Variable" checkbox in the
OpenOffice Preferences:Java:Classpath dialog (default being unchecked).

programmers cannot rely on user options. In my opinion this won't be useful.

Neither can they rely on environmental settings like CLASSPATH.

This is an administration and deployment issue.

The point of such an option is that for controlled environments such as yours that desires to use CLASSPATH, either you can arrange for the option to be automatically set, or in the alternative you've got a solution that the Help Desk can deal with.


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