ashok _ escribió:
I am trying set the SectionLeftMargin property of an XTextSection.... :

xPropSet.setPropertyValue("SectionLeftMargin", new Long(762));

The above raises an IllegalArgumentException...

The section document describes the SectionLeftMargin property as a
"long" datatype..

The following works without raising exceptions :

xPropSet.setPropertyValue("SectionLeftMargin", new Integer(762));

When I view the section properties using XRay, SectionLeftMargin is
indicated as a "long" type again...
so its not the case of the documentation being wrong..

Is this a bug or am I reading the documentation wrong ?

(Java 1.5, Openoffice 2.3.1 , Windows xp... )

this no bug at all, but how the UNO IDL types are mapped to the different programming languages, see

in the table this is very clear:

 UNO    Type description              Java     C++         Basic
long    signed 32-bit integer type    int      sal_Int32   Long

Besides, as setPropertyValue() requireas an any, you must use java.lang.Integer instead of the primitive type int, as java.lang.Integer inherits from java.lang.Object, and the UNO IDL any is mapped to java.lang.Object in the Java bridge, see

"In Java, the any type is mapped to java.lang.Object, but there is also a special Java class, mainly used in those cases where a plain Object would be ambiguous. There are two simple rules of thumb to follow: When you are supposed to pass in an any value, always pass in a java.lang.Object or a Java UNO object. For instance, if you use setPropertyValue() to set a property that has a non-interface type in the target object, you must pass in a java.lang.Object for the new value. If the new value is of a primitive type in Java, use the corresponding Object type for the primitive type:
xCellProps.setPropertyValue("CharWeight", new Double(200.0));"


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina


"Aus der Kriegsschule des Lebens
                - Was mich nicht umbringt,
        macht mich härter."
                Nietzsche Götzendämmerung, Sprüche und Pfeile, 8.

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