
I tried to copy some Master-pages from one Impress-Dok to another one
using Basic.

Unfortunatly I do not have any success :-(

What I tried to do:
Becouse i do not find a direct way to copy the Masterpage, I thought
about simulat way as doing it using the UI .
Using the UI it is easy: Select a slide, that used (based on) the wanted
masterpage, -> "Copy" -> activate the new presentation -> "Paste" -> the
complete slide ist inserted and also the new masterpage.
Now I can delete the inserted slide - the Masterpage ist still remaining.

My fist approch to simulate this workflow looks fine - and works fisrt
time (Im using dispatch-commands uno:copy and uno-paste - changing the
activ Doc etc).

Second step by opening the "old" presentation via API and try copy&
paste - nothing would be transfered.

looking a step deeper the problem was, that typically the main
window-frame (workspace) is activated - to copy a hole slide it is
nessessary to activate the left frame - this one, where you find all the
Even in UI it is not possible to copy a hole slide, if this frame is not
activate for example per mouse-click.
So I try to activate this "left frame", but I cannot identify this
clearly. Using ContainerWindow - accessibleChilds ... I can identify the
Menubar, and some toolbars - but I do not know how to identify this
"left frame". Any Hints?

Even this hole process ist really "uneffectiv" and "not nice" - maybe
someone knows another approch?

Via UI it is even possible to integrate a hole document (menu -> insert
-> document) but I cannot find a way to to this via api. Dispatch
command "uno:insertDocument" needs arguments, but trying with
standard-args as it works by writer-docs - fails:

arg(0).name = "Name"
arg(0).value = "file:///....."
arg(1).name = "Filter"
arg(1).name = "impress8"

Something missing?

I am working wit OOo 3.2.1 on Windows Vista.

If someone knows a way to import Masterpages from one impress-Dokument
to another (both known by name) using basic please let me know.

Thanks in advance


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