Hi Chris,

On 02.11.2010 13:40, Chris Rider wrote:
I hope this is an active mailing list ~ we have a serious issue with the
document server and are trying to track down some more knowledge that
might exist about it.

I have new information from further testing, but here's a quick summary:
We have a program that calls the document server to load a PPT file (as
explained below). That goes fine, and then we call it to close the file
after some time... also goes fine -- mostly. The file will close, but
then the memory continues to be eaten up by document server until the
machine becomes non-responsive.

We've run strace and can't find anything.
We're calling the server over port 2803.
We're calling the close method (which I've learned also calls dispose,

We've got hundreds of products at customers and some are beginning to
doubt OpenOffice as a platform... please help!

We still don't have enough information, or perhaps not the right one. OOo in general definitely does not have a memory leak of that kind - you wouldn't be the first to find it in case of. I know that OOo is used as a server in a lot of installations without such huge problems. So there must be a particular issue that is special for your setup.

So let's summarize and see where we can make progress. We should try to describe everything exactly as possible.

You are talking about a "document server" and a "DocumentLoader". The latter seems to be a C++ application and the former seems to be an instance of OOo that is talking with the C++ application though a remote UNO bridge.

The DocumentLoader seems to use this instance of OOo to load a ppt file and then it seems that something is eating up your memory.

Is that the correct picture? If not, can you describe it better? Especially we need to know most exactly how OOo is used in this scenario.

Next question - this "something" that eats up your memory - did you verify that it is the OOo process whose memory consumption goes through the roof?

Another question: did you try the same with other kinds of documents (not ppt)?


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Oracle: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
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