On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 04:52:25PM +0200, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> > > ... errr.. should i be using apr_hash_t or something? :)
> > 
> > Yes.
> okay.  will take a look at it, to see where i could use it.
> i have a suspicion that a lot of instances i really _need_
> the case-insensitive stuff, and also need the dual
> set and add capability.
> not least because HTTP POST args can have this:
> key1=value1&key1=value2 and, correct me if i'm wrong,
> here, that results in a table:
> (key1, value1)
> (key1, value2)

I'll reply to this one, but it also goes towards the other
guys pointing to the spec.  There isn't anything wrong with
storing both the sensitive and then keying off of a toupper
of the string, and chaining it off the end if the entry
already exists in the table (for multiple headers of the
same name).  One could even take the existing table code,
add a field for the toupper'd string, add a small adler32 (or
whatever cksum is to your liking) field, and get a lot 
better performance than we see now.  Of course I still
am no big fan of the API.

-- Jon

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