On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, Sander Striker wrote:

> > Fair enough. It's just that in order to opt-out of the child-pool creating
> > process in apr_thread_create, we're going to have to add a parameter
> Why are we so desperate in opting out the child-pool creation?
> I don't really have problems with a child pool for each thread. Actually,
> it will make the dynamic locking a lot easier to implement if it stays.

The reality is that it should stay.  The problem we have right now, is
that httpd creates a thread-pool, and then APR creates one.  So, if httpd
didn't create one, and just used the one APR created automatically, this
problem would go away completely.


Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Covalent Technologies                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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