Did you re-run ./configure?


Ryan Bloom                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
645 Howard St.              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Francisco, CA 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dirk-Willem van Gulik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 1:24 PM
> To: dev@apr.apache.org
> Subject: POLL havoc
> Are the poll changes done (cvs update of 20.20 UTC):
>       /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
>       _apr_poll_revents_get
>       _apr_poll_setup
>       _apr_poll_socket_add
>       _apr_poll_socket_clear
>       _apr_poll_socket_mask
>       _apr_poll_socket_remove
>       _apr_socket_from_file
> and should I go try and fix the above on BSD/MacOSX - or did I catch
> things in the middle of an update sequence ?
> DW.

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