On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 09:22:09 -0500, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

>Would the separation get_os_error, get_netos_error, get_netdb_error
>make sense for resolving into:
>Unix errno, errno, h_errno
>Netware errno, WSAGetLastError, WSAGetLastError
>Win32 GetLastError, WSAGetLastError, WSAGetLastError
>OS2 {not applicable}, errno, h_errno

OS/2 actually has a sock_errno() function that works much like
WSAGetLastError(). The values it returns are biased so as to not conflict
with system errors, going from 10000->10066. The h_errno is correct though
& has values -1,1->4 which DOES conflict with system error codes.

 |  Brian Havard                 |  "He is not the messiah!                   |
 |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  He's a very naughty boy!" - Life of Brian |

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