So, what you're proposing is that APR provide mechanisms for people to write
platform-specific code?

APR already does that.

> That's in direct conflict with our mission to provice
"predictable if not identical" behaviour across platforms.

In conflict with or orthogonal to?

If APR implements feature foo across multiple platforms, it should have predictable if not identical behavior.

I don't see how that mantra applies to feature tests in the manner you're implying.

(It also seems a bit weird, but maybe that's just me... :-)

Maybe its just me, but you make it sound as if this would suddenly offer the first feature that helps apps in their platform-specific code :)

Beyond platform symbols, which are supported currently in an inconsistent and clumsy manner (look at apr-config --cppflags on a few different boxes), APR defines other types of symbols that help applications do non-portable things in a somewhat cleaner manner than is often done without APR. Much of the APR_HAVE_foo stuff has nothing to do with the APR API feature set. But APR has figured that stuff out and is able to represent it, and it simplifies some tasks for interesting APR applications, so why not? Are you planning to rip out everything in APR that is outside of or orthogonal to the "predictable if not identical behavior" goal?

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