William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

I would be +1 to simply remove auth_ldap from APR 1.0, and reintroduce
the entire feature in the new APR 1.1 (which we can start development
on immediately.) And that presumes httpd 2.1/2.2 will depend on the
1.1 release of apr-util.

I hate to hold up 1.0 any further.  I would hate to release apr-util as-in
even more.  Thoughts or comments about my solution above?

The main fooness is in apr_ldap_url.c. Can we not mark this code as deprecated in v1.0, which should hopefully warn alert coders that the code should not be used, and can be pointed out to coders who are asleep otherwise if they moan.

Ripping it out is a whole lot of work best avoided IMHO.


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