Pablo Beltran wrote:
> Hummm, surprise! The patch doesn't work.

Which is an entirely worthless post, since you don't describe what you
did, if it applied or not (and what parts wouldn't), how it then failed
to build with what error message or what happened, if it built, when
you tried to use it.  With reports like these, who needs reporters ;-)

> Definitively, MinGW+MSYS is like the ugly duckling, but instead of
> becoming a swan is more likely to become a roast chicken in one of the
> the Microsoft's ovens.

All it takes is maintainers and fans to author, test and promote patches.
We have several out there that are just looking for additional love.  If
you happen to find a patch in bugzilla that you do test and is successful,
and note that in the report, it's more likely to be applied.  The more
pairs of eyeballs, the better.

Wonder what on earth you think MS has to do with MinGW+MSYS working or
not, and for that matter why you run Windows if you are such a fan?

Check back in when you have a constructive post that helps the maintainers
accomplish what you are hoping for, looking forward to hearing more details
from you soon :)


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