On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 7:26 AM Nick Kew <n...@apache.org> wrote:

> > On 25 Jul 2019, at 12:22, Graham Leggett <minf...@sharp.fm> wrote:

> > Second question is structure. Part of APR? Alongside APR?
> Either within APR or your external effort: IMHO it would be excessively
> bureaucratic
> to put it within the ASF but separate from APR.

I tool "alongside" to mean like how apr-util is "alongside" apr. Not a
separate TLP.

But then again, 2.0 combines cuz the "alongside" was too much overhead.

Regardless: I'm with Nick: the tools don't sound very useful. I'd use
native tools for any database. I'd probably script something in Python for
encoding type stuffs.

I see apr as a *library* for C programs. Definite, clear need for this.

I do not believe we need to create cmdline tools, which can be fulfilled
with any number of alternatives.


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