On 23/10/2012, at 5:16 AM, Jeff MAURY <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Apart from the code, is there some docs on the repository design (wiki,....)
> Thanks
> Jeff
> Le 22 oct. 2012 08:23, "Brett Porter" <> a écrit :
>> On 18/10/2012, at 9:03 AM, Olivier Lamy <> wrote:
>>> 2012/10/17 Jeff MAURY <>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> having a lot of problems with Nexus OSS P2 support, I'm wondering if
>> there
>>>> is any work done or planned in order to support P2 repos in Archiva ?
>>>> Also, is there a documentation about the internal architecture and
>>>> extension points ?
>>> Currently no extensions point except writing a consumer which won't
>>> really help in your case.
>>> It's on my TODO list to review a bit the architecture to be able to
>>> write your own repository type.
>>> This need some refactoring as in some parts we are very maven centric
>> :-).
>> This was a clear goal of the refactoring I did some time back. There's
>> still some Maven bits to extract as you say, but I don't think the API
>> should significantly change. The first one is always the hardest... I know
>> someone started to poke at doing this for Ivy but it was hard to proceed.
>> Unfortunately I've struggled to find the time recently to finish up what I
>> started, but of course I'm happy to answer questions or review any work
>> towards it.
>> - Brett
>> --
>> Brett Porter

Brett Porter

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