Hi Ran,

Thanks for the information. I do agree with you on having plugin.yaml as part 
of plugin and importing it to service template to have the plugin specific 
Could you point me to some documentation involving these or any example of 


-----Original Message-----
From: Ran Ziv [mailto:r...@gigaspaces.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2017 6:41 PM
To: dev@ariatosca.incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Plugin structure and specifications

? Do we have any specifications on the structure of plugin ?

--> A plugin should simply be a standard Python package really; There 
--> are
no special constraints on its structure.
If the plugin has dependencies, they do need to be compatible with ARIA's, as 
the plugin's code will be loaded in the same environment as the ARIA code which 
loads it; However, one plugin's dependencies do not need to be compatible with 
another plugin's dependencies - those are completely isolated from one another 
thanks to the PluginManager class.
Also see this related jira issue
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARIA-247>, which could be taken into 
consideration when deciding about the plugin's structure - although note that 
the notation/syntax used in the "implementation" field might change at some 
point to not be in "Python syntax".

? With the current state, a plugin can be referenced in different node types.
? Can a plugin also contain node types specific to its implementation ? If we 
can associate a plugin to specific node types there will not be need to import 
the node types in our service template every time.
We think bundling node types as part of plugin and having them available to 
those service templates using the plugins would be a good option. Do you have 
any suggestions regarding this ? Do you already have something on this in your 
roadmap ?

--> The plugin mechanism is a means of delivering code into ARIA. You 
--> can
have a "plugin.yaml" file to import manually from your service-template, where 
that file is coupled with operations (and a policy definition) of a specific 
There is also a jira issue
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARIA-118> about how this coupling might 
be made somewhat simpler.
However, I do not think that having the plugin "auto-import" the node type 
definitions is a good idea: First, it's not standard TOSCA - All yaml imports 
must be declared explicitly. Second, instead of being forced to declare the 
import, you'd be forced to declare the plugin policy (otherwise how would the 
parser know which "plugin.yaml" files to import for your service-template?
I think the case where the user simply defines a single import "openstack"
and automatically receives the ability to refer to types from the openstack 
plugin's "plugin.yaml" etc. is the way to go here.


On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 8:42 AM, D Jayachandran <d.jayachand...@ericsson.com>

> Hi,
> ARIA currently supports plugin based lifecycle operation. A plugin 
> here refers to a python module packaged as a wagon archive.
> I have few queries on how the plugin is being seen at this moment
> ? Do we have any specifications on the structure of plugin ?
> ? With the current state, a plugin can be referenced in different node 
> types.
> ? Can a plugin also contain node types specific to its implementation 
> ? If we can associate a plugin to specific node types there will not 
> be need to import the node types in our service template every time.
> We think bundling node types as part of plugin and having them 
> available to those service templates using the plugins would be a good 
> option. Do you have any suggestions regarding this ? Do you already 
> have something on this in your roadmap ?
> Regards,
> DJ

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