Is it worth doing a review of different file formats and database
systems to decide on a timestamp implementation (int64 or int96 with
some resolution seems to be quite popular as well)? At least in the
Arrow C++ codebase, we need to add decimal handling logic anyway.

On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 5:20 PM, Julian Hyde <> wrote:
> SQL allows timestamps to be stored with any precision (i.e. number of digits 
> after the decimal point) between 0 and 9. That strongly indicates to me that 
> the right implementation of timestamps is as (fixed point) decimal values.
> Then devote your efforts to getting the decimal type working correctly.
>> On Jun 27, 2016, at 3:16 PM, Wes McKinney <> wrote:
>> hi Uwe,
>> Thanks for bringing this up. So far we've largely been skirting the
>> "Logical Types Rabbit Hole", but it would be good to start a document
>> collecting requirements for various logical types (e.g. timestamps) so
>> that we can attempt to achieve good solutions on the first try based
>> on the experiences (good and bad) of other projects.
>> In the IPC flatbuffers metadata spec that we drafted for discussion /
>> prototype implementation earlier this year [1], we do have a Timestamp
>> logical type containing only a timezone optional field [2]. If you
>> contrast this with Feather (which uses Arrow's physical memory layout,
>> but custom metadata to suit Python/R needs), that has both a unit and
>> timezone [3].
>> Since there is little consensus in the units of timestamps (more
>> consensus around the UNIX 1970-01-01 epoch, but not even 100%
>> uniformity), I believe the best route would be to add a unit to the
>> metadata to indicates second through nanosecond resolution. Same goes
>> for a Time type.
>> For example, Parquet has both milliseconds and microseconds (in
>> Parquet 2.0). But earlier versions of Parquet don't have this at all
>> [4]. Other systems like Hive and Impala are relying on their own table
>> metadata to convert back and forth (e.g. embedding timestamps of
>> whatever resolution in int64 or int96).
>> For Python pandas that want to use Parquet files (via Arrow) in their
>> workflow, we're stuck with a couple options:
>> 1) Drop sub-microsecond nanos and store timestamps as TIMESTAMP_MICROS
>> (or MILLIS? Not all Parquet readers may be aware of the new
>> microsecond ConvertedType)
>> 2) Store nanosecond timestamps as INT64 and add a bespoke entry to
>> ColumnMetaData::key_value_metadata (it's better than nothing?).
>> I see use cases for both of these -- for Option 1, you may care about
>> interoperability with another system that uses Parquet. For Option 2,
>> you may care about preserving the fidelity of your pandas data.
>> Realistically, #1 seems like the best default option. It makes sense
>> to offer #2 as an option.
>> I don't think addressing time zones in the first pass is strictly
>> necessary, but as long as we store timestamps as UTC, we can also put
>> the time zone in the KeyValue metadata.
>> I'm not sure about the Interval type -- let's create a JIRA and tackle
>> that in a separate discussion. I agree that it merits inclusion as a
>> logical type, but I'm not sure what storage representation makes the
>> most sense (e.g. is is not clear to me why Parquet does not store the
>> interval as an absolute number of milliseconds; perhaps to accommodate
>> month-based intervals which may have different absolute lengths
>> depending on where you start).
>> Let me know what you think, and if others have thoughts I'd be interested 
>> too.
>> thanks,
>> Wes
>> [1]:
>> [2] :
>> [3]: 
>> [4]: 
>> On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 1:40 PM, Uwe Korn <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> in addition to categoricals, we also miss at the moment a conversion from
>>> Timestamps in Pandas/NumPy to Arrow. Currently we only have two (exact)
>>> resolutions for them: DATE for days and TIMESTAMP for milliseconds. As
>>> notes there
>>> are several more. We do not need to cater for all but at least some of them.
>>> Therefore I have the following questions which I like to have solved in some
>>> form before implementing:
>>> * Do we want to cater for other resolutions?
>>> * If we do not provide, e.g. nanosecond resolution (sadly the default
>>>   in Pandas), do we cast with precision loss to the nearest match? Or
>>>   should we force the user to do it?
>>> * Not so important for me at the moment: Do we want to support time zones?
>>> My current objective is to have them for Parquet file writing. Sadly this
>>> has the same limitations. So the two main options seem to be
>>> * "roundtrip will only yield correct timezone and logical type if we
>>>   read with Arrow/Pandas again (as we use "proprietary" metadata to
>>>   encode it)"
>>> * "we restrict us to milliseconds and days as resolution" (for the
>>>   latter option, we need to decide how graceful we want to be in the
>>>   Pandas<->Arrow conversion).
>>> Further datatype we have not yet in Arrow but partly in Parquet is timedelta
>>> (or INTERVAL in Parquet). Probably we need to add another logical type to
>>> Arrow to implement them. Open for suggestions here, too.
>>> Also in the Arrow spec there is TIME which seems to be the same as TIMESTAMP
>>> (as far as the comments in the C++ code goes). Is there maybe some
>>> distinction I'm missing?
>>> Cheers
>>> Uwe

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