hi Matthias,

You need to use the IPC writer tools to write a Table or RecordBatch
to some memory region:


There is a function for computing the size of a record batch, but not
a Table yet, but you can look at its implementation to get an idea
what to do:


It would be useful to have the ability to "stage" a message stream to
be written to prevent multiple passes over the data structure (once to
size, then again to write). I opened

- Wes

On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 2:43 AM, Matthias Vallentin
<matth...@berkeley.edu> wrote:
>> Here are some more examples on how to interact between Plasma and Arrow:
>> http://arrow.apache.org/docs/python/plasma.html, see also the C++
>> documentation: http://arrow.apache.org/docs/cpp/md_tutorials_plasma.html
> I'm browsing through the C++ API documentation and have trouble finding
> the right API to copy an arrow::Table into a Plasma object buffer.
> Concretely:
>    (1) How do I get the size of the underlying buffer of an
>        arrow::Table needed to construct a Plasma object?
>    (2) Thereafter, how do I obtain a pointer to the table data so that
>        I can copy the table into the Plasma object buffer?
> I also tried to look at the RecordBatch API, but couldn't find anything
> there either. Both APIs seem only to provide columnar access.
>    Matthias

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