Just to finish off this thread.  Antoine's advice was spot on (need to pass
Debug and Static to b2).  There was still another build issue with doube
precision but I was able to bypass it my making the specific test that was

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 3:49 AM Antoine Pitrou <anto...@python.org> wrote:

> Le 26/02/2019 à 05:42, Micah Kornfield a écrit :
> > The issue I'm blocked on is getting boost installed properly.  I've
> > included all of the steps I've run below, if anyone has some thoughts or
> > the magical script to build and install the appropriate boost libraries
> > appropriate for the Static_Crt_Build i would greatly appreciate it.
> >
> > With a Windows 10 MSVC 2017 VM:
> > Download and install cmake and Anaconda3 via visual installers.
> > Download Boost 1.67 and extract it.
> > Run "Developer Command Prompt for MSVC 2017" from the start menu.
> > 1.  CD to the boost directory
> > 2.  Run: .\bootstrap.bat
> > 3.  Run: .\b2.exe
> > 4.  run: .\b2.exe install
> Does this also build the libraries in debug mode?
> According to
> https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_69_0/more/getting_started/windows.html,
> you can "choose a specific build variant by adding release or debug to
> the command line".
> Regards
> Antoine.

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