Thanks for the response Micah. I could implement this and contribute to
Arrow Java. To help me get started, are there any pointers on how the C++
or Rust implementations currently read Parquet into Arrow? Are they reading
Parquet row-by-row and building Arrow batches or are there better ways of
implementing this?

On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 1:56 PM Micah Kornfield <>

> Hi Anoop,
> There isn't currently anything in the Arrow Java library that does this.
> It is something that I think we want to add at some point.   Dremio [1] has
> some Parquet related code, but I haven't looked at it to understand how
> easy it is to use as a standalone library and whether is supports predicate
> push-down/column selection.
> Thanks,
> Micah
> [1]
> On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 2:08 PM Anoop Johnson <>
> wrote:
> > Arrow Newbie here.  What is the recommended way to convert Parquet data
> > into Arrow, preferably doing predicate/column pushdown?
> >
> > One can implement this as custom code using the Parquet API, and
> re-encode
> > it in Arrow using the Arrow APIs, but is this supported by Arrow out of
> the
> > box?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Anoop
> >

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