I was looking for the high level scenarios for the Plasma In-Memory Object 
Store. A colleague of mine suggested we could use it to pass data between a C# 
process and a Python process.

I've read the intro blog [0] on Plasma, which describes using the same data set 
from multiple processes - which sounds like the same scenario as above.

I am trying to prioritize creating C# bindings for the Plasma client. So I'd 
like to know all the scenarios that would could be enabled with Plasma. 

For example:
- could using Plasma speed up Pandas UDFs in PySpark? Because the data wouldn't 
have to go across the socket between Java and Python, but instead would be 
memory-mapped. We have similar functionality in .NET for Apache Spark.
- Is Plasma being used by Nvidia RAPIDS?

I know Plasma today is not supported on Windows, but I think support could be 
added since Windows supports memory mapped files (through a different API than 
mmap) and it now supports Unix Domain Sockets [1].

Also - side question about the c_glib bindings. I assume those will only ever 
work on Windows with something like Cygwin or MSYS2, right? Would people be 
opposed to adding pure "C" exports to the plasma library so the C# bindings 
could use it? (similar to the JNI support today).


[0] https://ray-project.github.io/2017/08/08/plasma-in-memory-object-store.html
[1] https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/af_unix-comes-to-windows/

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