
there has been a lot of public discussions lately with some mentions of 
actually informed, valid critique of things in the Arrow project. From my 
perspective, these things include "there is not STL-native C++ Arrow API", "the 
base build requires too much dependencies", "the pyarrow package is really huge 
and you cannot select single components". These are things we cannot tackle at 
the moment due to the lack of contributors to the project. But we can use this 
as a basis to point people that critique the project on this that this is not 
intentional but a lack of resources as well as it provides another point of 
entry for new contributors looking for work.

Thus I would like to start a document (possibly on the website) where we list 
the major critiques on Arrow, mention our long-term solution to that and what 
JIRAs need to be done for that.

Would that be something others would also see as valuable?

There has also been a lot of uninformed criticism, I think that can be best 
combat by documentation, blog posts and public appearances at conferences and 
is not covered by this proposal.


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