Uwe, I think this is an excellent idea. I've started
to collect some ideas and notes. Once we have gathered our thoughts
there, we can put them in the appropriate places.

I think that some of the result will go into the FAQ, some into
documentation (maybe more "how-to" and "getting started" guides in the
respective language docs, as well as some "how to share Arrow data
from X to Y"), and other things that we haven't yet done should go
into a sort of Roadmap document on the main website. We have some very
outdated content related to a roadmap on the confluence wiki that
should be folded in as appropriate too.


On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 10:26 AM Uwe L. Korn <m...@uwekorn.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> there has been a lot of public discussions lately with some mentions of 
> actually informed, valid critique of things in the Arrow project. From my 
> perspective, these things include "there is not STL-native C++ Arrow API", 
> "the base build requires too much dependencies", "the pyarrow package is 
> really huge and you cannot select single components". These are things we 
> cannot tackle at the moment due to the lack of contributors to the project. 
> But we can use this as a basis to point people that critique the project on 
> this that this is not intentional but a lack of resources as well as it 
> provides another point of entry for new contributors looking for work.
> Thus I would like to start a document (possibly on the website) where we list 
> the major critiques on Arrow, mention our long-term solution to that and what 
> JIRAs need to be done for that.
> Would that be something others would also see as valuable?
> There has also been a lot of uninformed criticism, I think that can be best 
> combat by documentation, blog posts and public appearances at conferences and 
> is not covered by this proposal.
> Uwe

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