(2nd choice E if we’re doing ranked-choice voting)


> On Jun 24, 2021, at 12:24 PM, Weston Pace <weston.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The discussion in [1] led to the following question.  Before we
> proceed on a vote it was decided we should do a straw poll to settle
> on an approach (which can then be voted on in a +1/-1 fashion).
> ---
> Some date & time libraries have three temporal concepts.  For the sake
> of this document we will call them LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime, and
> Instant.  An Instant is a timestamp that has no meaningful reference
> time zone (e.g. events that did not occur on Earth or columns of
> timestamps spanning more than one time zone). For more extensive
> definitions and a discussion of their semantics and uses see [1].
> Currently Arrow describes how to define two of these three concepts
> and there is no guideline on how to store an Instant (assuming the
> proposal in [2] passes).
> This proposal states that Arrow should define how to encode an Instant
> into Arrow data.  There are several ways this could happen, some which
> change schema.fbs and some which do not.
> ---
> For sample arguments (currently grouped as "for changing schema.fbs"
> and "against changing schema.fbs") see [2].  For a detailed definition
> of the terms LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime, and Instant and a
> discussion of their semantics see [3].
> Options:
> A) Do nothing, don’t introduce the nuance of “instants” into Arrow
> B) Do nothing, but update the comments in schema.fbs to acknowledge
> the existence of the concept and explain that implementations are free
> to decide if/how to support the type.
> C) Define timestamp with timezone “UTC” as “instant”.
> D) Add a first class instant type to schema.fbs
> E) Add instant as a canonical extension type
> Note: This is just a straw poll and the results will not be binding in
> any way but will help craft a future vote.  For example, if the
> plurality of votes goes to C but a majority of votes is spread across
> A & B then some flavor of A/B would likely be pursued.
> Vote for as many options as you would like.
> I will summarize and send out the results in 72 hours.

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