hi folks,

I've noted that the volume of PRs for Arrow has been steadily
increasing (and will likely continue to increase), and while I've
personally had less time for development / maintenance / code reviews
over the last year, I would like to have a discussion about what we
could do to improve our tooling for maintainers to optimize the
efficiency of time spent tending to the PR queue. In my own
experience, I have felt that I have wasted a lot of time digging
around the queue looking for PRs that are awaiting feedback or need to
be merged.

I note first of all that around 70 out of 173 open PRs have been
updated in the last 7 days, so while there is some PR staleness, to
have nearly half of the PRs active is pretty good. That said, ~70
active PRs is a lot of PRs to tend to.

I scraped the project's code review comment history, and here are the
individuals who have left the most comments on PRs since genesis

pitrou                6802
wesm                  5023
emkornfield           3032
bkietz                2834
kou                   1489
nealrichardson        1439
fsaintjacques         1356
kszucs                1250
alamb                 1133
jorisvandenbossche    1094
liyafan82              831
lidavidm               816
westonpace             794
xhochy                 770
nevi-me                643
BryanCutler            639
jorgecarleitao         635
cpcloud                551
sunchao                536
ianmcook               499

Since we're probably stuck using GitHub to receive code contributions
(as opposed to systems — Gerrit is one I'm familiar with — that
provide more structure for reviewers to track the patches they "own"
as well as the outgoing/incoming state of reviews), I am wondering
what kinds of tools we could create to make it easier for maintainers
to keep track of PRs they are shepherding through the contribution
process. Ideally this wouldn't involve maintainers having to engage in
some explicit action like assigning themselves as a PR reviewer.

Here's one idea: a web application that displays "your reviews", a
table of PRs that you have interacted with in any way (commented, left
code review, assigned as reviewer, someone mentioned you, etc.) sorted
either by last commit or last comment to assess "freshness". So if you
comment on a PR or leave a code review, it will automatically show up
in "your reviews". It could also indicate whether there has been
activity on the PR since the last time you interacted with it.

Having now used the GitHub API to pull comments from PRs for the above
analysis, there is certainly enough information available to help
create this kind of tool. I'd be willing to contribute to building the
backend of such a web application.

This is just one idea, but I am curious to hear from others who are
spending a lot of time doing code review / PR merging to see what
might help them use their time more effectively.


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