Hello Kae,

Le 29/08/2022 à 19:28, Kae Suarez a écrit :

I personally like the idea of using namespace directives in Sphinx to keep
things less cluttered and easier to write, then using the class directive
each time so links are always available.

I would agree with this. As for the namespace, though, one question is how the user might derive in which namespace a class lives?

For example, https://arrow.apache.org/docs/cpp/api/dataset.html#_CPPv4N5arrow7dataset7DatasetE doesn't mention that the class lives in the arrow::dataset namespace.

 As for functions, I'd like to keep
them in "orange text," unless they are unconnected to a class in use in the
article -- if they are, I would like to use directives there, as well.

I would rather see functions/methods hyperlinked as well, as much as possible.



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