Row group level predicate pushdowns should be supported in both C++ and
Rust. What’s the use case / query you want to speed up?

Page index and bloom filters are brand new and low level in arrow-rs, but
there is support for them. AFAIK C++ doesn’t have full standard coverage
for either.

Best regards,
Adam Lippai

On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 9:35 PM SHI BEI <> wrote:

> Hi arrow community,
> I'm new to the arrow project and am trying to use arrow and parquet in a
> C/C++ project. To improve the query peformance, I plan to take the
> advantage of parquet row-group level and page level statistics when
> querying data, but GLib/C++ SDK is lack of implement for parquet predicates
> pushdown. I have noticed that some works are in process to support parquet
> predicates pushdown, but it will take some time. So I want to know whether
> if it's possible to use arrow-rs instead, and is there any one have some
> pricate in the same&nbsp;scene. Any one can help will be appricated!
> SHI&nbsp;BEI

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