Hi Shi

Arrow-rs has full support for predicate pushdown and late materialisation. You 
can find some more information about it here [1]

You can possibly also use DataFusion for inspiration [2]

Feel free to get in touch should you run into any issues

Kind Regards,



On 11 January 2023 03:34:02 CET, SHI BEI <shibei...@foxmail.com> wrote:
>Hi arrow community,
>I'm new to the arrow project and am trying to use arrow and parquet in a C/C++ 
>project. To improve the query peformance, I plan to take the advantage of 
>parquet row-group level and page level statistics when querying data, but 
>GLib/C++ SDK is lack of implement for parquet predicates pushdown. I have 
>noticed that some works are in process to support parquet predicates pushdown, 
>but it will take some time. So I want to know whether if it's possible to use 
>arrow-rs instead, and is there any one have some pricate in the 
>same&nbsp;scene. Any one can help will be appricated!

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