'hive_table is <traitname>¹ should work. Here is the doc on DSL syntax:


On 23/09/15 8:30 pm, "Herman Yu" <herman...@teeupdata.com> wrote:

>Hi Suma,
>Thanks for the help. I tried as you suggested, ³hive_table is
>collection², however "0 results matching your search query hive_table is
>collection were found².
>³collection² is a trait I defined, if I just search with ³collection² in
>the UI, I have two hive_table entities returned.
>I also tried with those types and traits defined with the quick_start.py,
>(e.g. "Table is Fact" didn¹t return anything.
>Is this a bug with v0.5? or I used wrong search syntax? Is there a
>document with all valid search syntax?
>On Sep 21, 2015, at 10:54 PM, Herman Yu <herman...@teeupdata.com> wrote:
>Hi Herman,
>You can fire a DSL query in the UI as "hive_table  is "trait_name"
>> Hi,
>> With version v0.5, is search based on combination of a Trait and a type
>>supported?  I have both hive_tables and hive_columns associated with a
>>Trait. I can search base on the Trait, or search based on the
>>type(hive_table or hive_colume). How to combine them together, for
>>example, search the trait but only want to return hive_table?
>> I tried <traitName> and <hive_table>, <traitName> and
>>typeName=<hive_table> in both UI and REST API, it doesn¹t work.
>> This is my first time posting here, sorry if this is not the right
>>place asking questions like this. If so, what would be the correct
>> Thanks
>> Herman.

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