What about using logback instead of log4j? It has some interesting benefits
over log4j and we wouldn't be the first large mesos framework to switch to

Personally, I'd love to see glog burn and die in a fire.

On Monday, December 28, 2015, Bill Farner <wfar...@apache.org> wrote:

> We're currently using some logging scaffolding carried over from Twitter
> commons.  I would like to propose that we dismantle some of this in favor
> of more standard java application logging conventions.
> Concretely, i propose we remove the following scheduler command line
> arguments:
> -logtostderr
> -alsologtostderr
> -vlog
> -vmodule
> -use_glog_formatter
> Instead of these, we can allow users to customize logging via standard
> java.util.logging inputs (e.g. logging.properties).  We could explore using
> an alternative to java.util.logging, but i suggest we retain that backend
> for now (since it's what we're currently using).

Text by Jeff, typos by iPhone

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