+1 and thanks for volunteering for this Alexey.
We really need to make this more accesible.
On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 6:00 PM Alexey Romanenko <aromanenko....@gmail.com>

> Joseph, Eugene - thank you very much for the links!

> All, regarding one common entry point for all design documents. Could we
just have a dedicated page on Beam web site with a list of links to every
proposed document? Every entry (optionally) might contain, in addition,
short abstract and list of author(s). In this case, it would be easily
searchable and available for those who are interested in this.

> In the same time, using a Google doc for writing/discussing the documents
seems more than reasonable since it’s quite native and easy to use. I only
propose to have a common entry point to fall of them.

> If this idea looks feasible, I’d propose myself to collect the links to
already created documents, create such page and update this list in the

> WBR,
> Alexey

> On 22 May 2018, at 21:34, Eugene Kirpichov <kirpic...@google.com> wrote:

> Making it easier to manage indeed would be good. Could someone from PMC
please add the following documents of mine to it?

> SDF related documents:
> http://s.apache.org/splittable-do-fn
> http://s.apache.org/sdf-via-source
> http://s.apache.org/textio-sdf
> http://s.apache.org/beam-watch-transform
> http://s.apache.org/beam-breaking-fusion

> Non SDF related:
> http://s.apache.org/context-fn
> http://s.apache.org/fileio-write

> A suggestion: maybe we can establish a convention to send design document
proposals to dev+desi...@beam.apache.org? Does the Apache mailing list
management software support this kind of stuff? Then they'd be quite easy
to find and filter.

> On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 10:57 AM Kenneth Knowles <k...@google.com> wrote:

>> It is owned by the Beam PMC collectively. Any PMC member can add things
to it. Ideas for making it easy to manage are welcome.

>> Probably easier to have a markdown file somewhere with a list of docs so
we can issue and review PRs. Not sure the web site is the right place for
it - we have a history of porting docs to markdown but really that is high
overhead and users/community probably don't gain from it so much. Some have
suggested a wiki.

>> Kenn

>> On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 10:22 AM Scott Wegner <sweg...@google.com> wrote:

>>> Thanks for the links. Any details on that Google drive folder? Who
maintains it? Is it possible for any contributor to add their design doc?

>>> On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 8:15 AM Joseph PENG <josephtengp...@gmail.com>

>>>> Alexey,

>>>> I do not know where you can find all design docs, but I know a blog
that has collected some of the major design docs. Hope it helps.

>>>> https://wtanaka.com/beam/design-doc

>>>> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-IhJZh9Ab52OFBVZHpsNjc4eXc

>>>> On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 9:28 AM Alexey Romanenko <
aromanenko....@gmail.com> wrote:

>>>>> Hi all,

>>>>> Is it possible to obtain somewhere a list of all proposals /
prototype documents that have been published as a technical / design
documents for new features? I have links to only some of them (found in
mail list discussions by chance) but I’m not aware of others.

>>>>> If yes, could someone share it or point me out where it is located in
case if I missed this?

>>>>> If not, don’t you think it would make sense to have such index of
these documents? I believe it can be useful for Beam contributors since
these proposals contain information which is absent or not so detailed on
Beam web site documentation.

>>>>> WBR,
>>>>> Alexey

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